Zahradní neformální setkání Neuronu 2019

Na sedm desítek hostů se sešlo na tradičním neformálním Zahradním setkání NF Neuron. Hosté z řad vědců napříč obory, vědečtí mecenáši, partneři či novináři dlouhodobě se zajímající o vědu měli možnost se navzájem potkat u sklenky vína, seznámit se a popovídat si o novinkách nejen z oblasti vědy. Zahradní slavnost se konala v zahradách Vratislavského paláce. Za příjemnou atmosféru večera děkujeme hostům, a také partnerům večera: Musa catering, Likor, Café Tibet, Kitl a Louky květ.


Nečekané objevy, šťastné náhody,
tvrdá práce i splněné sny.

An Israeli Intern Discovered a Technique That Improved the Resilience of AI

For the first time, the Neuron Foundation and the IOCB Tech Foundation gave two talented Israeli students an internship at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, where they could devote themselves to research in the field of artificial intelligence and the protection of cultural heritage.

Czech-Israeli Innovation Internships 2024

The Neuron Foundation and the IOCB Tech Foundation are opening a call for applications for a one month internship for five leading Israeli PhD students to visit the Czech Republic. The Third Year of the Czech-Israeli Innovation Internships program is open in following top notch facilities in the Czech Republic. Apply until the deadline on the 10th April 2024.

2023 Neuron Awards laureates

The Neuron Foundation for the Support of Science awarded the Neuron Awards 2023 to the best Czech scientists. Seven promising scientific talents received the prestigious award during the gala evening, with four female scientists taking home the honors—the highest number of women awarded in the entire time of the awards ceremony. The Neuron Award for connecting science and business was won by the transfer of a patent for detecting pancreatic cancer. The highest award, the Neuron Award 2023, was received by a scientist who enriched world research in chemistry with his lifelong work. An important discovery related to cancer research scored twice this year.