Scientific panel
Pavel Drábek
Member of the Scientific council of Mathematics
"Basic research cannot be regulated or measured. But it is wise to give it a lot of funding!"
Professor Drábek works in the Department of Mathematics and the European Center of Excellence NTIS (New Technologies for the Information Society), Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
He specializes in nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations. In 2003, he joined the Learned Society of the Czech Republic. You can read more details on the University of West Bohemia website.
Motto: "Try to do everything you might later regret not doing. Never do anything you might later regret doing."
They wrote about him:
- Ministerské ocenění za mimořádné výsledky ve výzkumu získali dva profesoři ZČU v Plzni (Technický týdeník, leden 2006)
- Dobrodružné dobývání pravdy (Technický týdeník, leden 2006)