Management board, Neuron Founders
Monika Vondráková
Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Neuron Foundation
She gave birth to the idea of supporting young Czech scientists and founded the Neuron Foundation to support science.
Initiated the idea of supporting young Czech scientists and, along with Karel Janeček and Josef Veselka, co-founded the Karel Janeček Fund in 2010 to support science and research that was transformed into the Neuron Fund for the support of science in 2013. From the beginning, she ran the Fund as the Managing Director and the Governing Board Vice Chair. Since March 2016, she has served as the Governing Board Chair.
Responsibilities: fund strategy management, benefactors, brand building and protection.
In addition to running the Neuron Fund, she was also involved in founding the Anti-Corruption Endowment Fund. For several years, she served as Head of Communications at RSJ. Currently she is responsible for brand development at ABRA Software.
They wrote about her:
- "Síla poznání", rozhovor s Monikou Vondrákovou se spoluzakladatelkou NF Neuron pro magazin Volvo ( listopad, 2019)
- Co děláte, aby se z vás nestali workoholici? - Monika Vondráková (Respekt, str. 6, 17.6.2019)
- Kam mizí ženy? - Hana Macíčková Cahová, Monika Vondárková (Ona Dnes, str. 16, 17.6.2019)
- Expedice Neuron - na cestě k objevům pozvání - Monika Vondráková (ČRo Plus, 16:22, 14.5.2019)
- O Nadačním fondu Neuron - Monika Vondráková (Operitiv, 22.2.2019)
- Mezinárodní den žen a dívek ve vědě - Monika Vondráková (ČRo Dvojka, 11.2.2019, 14:38)
- Monika Vondráková pro ČRo Plus: Mecenášství ve vědě (ČRo Plus, 21. 10.2018. od 43:45)
- Cena Neuron přivede do Prahy sedm osobností, které změnily naši budoucnost (rádio ZET, 28. 11. 2017)
- Monika Vondráková a prof. Pavel Hobza: Ceny Neuron přivedou do Prahy české vědecké špičky (, 16. 11. 2016)
- Moderní mecenáši (Marwick, září/říjen 2016)