Prof. Lenka Zdeborová
Laureate of the 2021 Neuron Prize for promising young scientists in the field of physics
For a complex solution of physical problems using algorithms based on neural networks
Lenka Zdeborová’s work lies at the interface between physics, informatics and mathematics. She applies the methods of physics to the problems of informatics, combinatorics and machine learning. She aims to understand which complex scientific problems can be solved using computers and neural networks. After studying at Charles University and the Université Paris-Sud, she worked as a researcher in French scientific laboratories and her work led to the development and analysis of several algorithmic methods. Since 2020 she has been a professor of physics and informatics at the EPFL in Lausanne. Lenka Zdeborová received thousands of citations in professional periodicals and was awarded, for example, the Irène Joliot-Curie Prize or the ERC Starting Grant.