Patrons, Neuron Founders
Eduard Kučera
"Every year from the company revenue we try to provide a part to the charity."
Eduard Kučera is one of the founders of Avast, which helps more than 400 million people around the world protect against computer viruses. Thanks to his support, in January 2017 we were able to open a seventh field, namely computer science.
Eduard Kučera studied physical electronics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University. He then worked at the Research Institute of Mathematical Machines to develop printers. He started his business in the field of computer technology with his partner Pavel Baudiš in 1988.
In 1991 they founded AVAST Software, one of the best known products of which is Avast anti-malware solution. In 2009 Eduard Kučera was awarded the Entrepreneur of the Year award. In 2013, the Responsible Leader for Establishing the AVAST Endowment Award, which helps people with various problems to make free decisions and be part of a community that supports each other. The company contributes 2.5 percent of gross profit to it.