Scientific panel
David Kosař
Member of the Scientific council of Social Sciences

His research deals with the strengthening of the judiciary and the impact of these reforms on the separation of powers.
It works on the borderline between law and political science, and in its research is concerned with strengthening the judiciary and the impact of these reforms on the division of power.
The main contribution of the legal scientist David Kosar is to identify shortcomings in the functioning of the supreme councils of the judiciary, identify other actors in judicial policy (such as the presidents of the courts) and understand the interaction between them. In his work he tries to connect classical doctrinal approach in law with empirical methods. He was the first Czech lawyer to receive a prestigious ERC grant.
We are proud of the work of legal scientist David Kosar, who exposes weaknesses in the judicial systems and helps us to better understand the importance of the judiciary in the political system as a whole.
He was awarded the Neuron 2018 Social Sciences Prize for his work.
Neuron. We are proud of those who have the courage to change the future.
He is one of two holders of an ERC grant in the field of social sciences in the Czech Republic. She likes reading detective and spy novels and books on art. The greatest myth of his field is said to appear that there is only one right answer in law.
David Kosař is the head of the Institute for Judicial Affairs at the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno. In 2015, he was the first Czech lawyer to be awarded the ERC Starting Grant for the study of the social impact of the judiciary and the changing concept of separation of powers. In 2016, he published a key monograph "The Perils of Judicial Self-Government" at Cambridge University Press, which was positively rated in the most prestigious journals (Choice, I-Connect, Common Market Law Review) and received the Canada Prize from the International Academy of comparative law for the best monograph in the field of comparative law published in 2014-2017. His articles were adopted in highly impacted journals in the field of constitutional law (International Journal of Constitutional Law), International (American Journal of International Law) , European Journal of International Law) and European Constitutional Law Review, German Law Journal. In particular, his research in the field of disciplinary justice and judicial self-government represents a vital contribution to world science and its practical implications are valued by the Council of Europe and other organizations.
"My main motivation for my work in the Neuron Scientific Council is to contribute to the cultivation of the Czech scientific environment and to the visibility of social sciences. I am also looking forward to discussing the direction of Czech science and the necessary reforms."
They wrote about him:
Stíhaný premiér dostává justici pod obrovský tlak. Výměna ministra je podezřelá, říká vědec zkoumající nezávislost soudců - David Kosař (Deník N, 24.6.2019)
České justici ještě věřím - David Kosař (Právní rádce, str. 46, 5.4.2019)
Z oslabení Ústavního soudu by těžila vládní koalice, uvádí odborník - David Kosař ( - 4.3.2019)
Ceny Neuron - Hana Macíčková Cahová, David Kosař (ČT24, 11:11 - 4.12.2018)