NF Neuron supported Fyziklání 2023

Team competition for high school students interested in physics. Fyziklání 2023, which took place on 6-12 February in Prague, was again supported by NF Neuron. The competition itself took place on 10 February at the PVA Expo in Letňany and was attended by 1,167 pupils from 21 countries in Europe, Asia and America.

"The cooperation of NF Neuron  with the FYKOS group and their Fyzikláni was initiated by Lenka Zdeborová. The winner of the Neuron Prize for Young Promising Scientists in Physics connects her first interest in science with FYKOS, which has helped her significantly in her future career. She therefore decided to donate the financial reward associated with the Neuron Prize to young physicists and we at Neuron were happy to comply with her wish - focusing on young scientists, supporting and inspiring them is one of the missions of the Foundation," says Monika Vondráková, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Neuron Endowment Fund.

The competition is announced by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University and co-announced by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The Neuron Endowment Fund is a platinum partner of the event. The organisers of the competition are mainly students of the MFF UK, who are associated in the student group FYKOS (Physical Correspondence Seminar) and have extensive experience in organising similar events. During the school year, FYKOS also organises an online version of this competition, Fyziklání Online; in addition, it also organises camps for the best researchers of the Physical Correspondence Seminar, excursions and other events.