Democracy 4.0 offers opportunities and dangers
The Neuron Endowment Fund, together with the Aspen Institute Central Europe and Opero, hosted the sixth debate in the Society 4.0 series. On Wednesday, 16 November 2022, together with experts, we addressed what democracy is today and what lies ahead for it under the influence of technology, covid and the war in Ukraine. "We need to rethink our cohesion and realise that we depend on each other," was said during the two-hour session entitled Quo vadis, democracy?
The opening speech was given by Jakub Rákosník, historian and laureate of the Neuron Prize, and archaeologist Sara Polak. In addition to the introductory speakers, the panel discussion was also attended by constitutional lawyer Jan Kysela, AI professor Michal Pěchouček, social political scientist Petra Guasti, OSF board member Robert Basch and Bára Stárková from Díky, že můžem association.